CONVICTED killer Jeremy Bamber has written an open letter to Essex police chief Stephen Kavanagh calling for him to disclose evidence which he says is vital to his case.

Bamber was jailed nearly 30 years ago for the murder of his parents Nevill and June Bamber, his sister, Sheila Caffell, and her twin sons Nicholas and Daniel, who were six.

But Bamber has continuously protested his innocence and has, for years, called for more evidence relating to the crime to be released.

Now he has written directly to Essex Chief Constable Mr Kavanagh and Essex Police and Crime Commissioner Nick Alston.

Bamber, who is in prison in the high security Wakefield Prison, also tells Mr Kavanagh what the documents are and where they can be found.

Bamber, 54, claims his Sheila, who had a history of mental illness, killed the family members before turning the gun on herself.

Bamber's bid for freedom is being supported by human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell and a petition calling on Essex Police to release the documents has more than 1,100 signatures.

In his letter he says: "I am writing to request your assistance with the disclosure of evidence in my case.

"As you may know it has now been 30 years since I lost my family in the tragedies at White House Farm.

"I have served 29 years in prison since I was convicted with no hope of release having been given a whole life order.

"The information contained in the enclosed booklet lists the attempts made for disclosure over the years and reference to specific material required, along with the evidence proving its existence.

"All material should be given to my defence lawyers with immediate effect.

"This is not a speculative request for information but refers to evidence which pertains directly to my innocence."

Documents asked for include:

* Original handwritten logs and statements relating to Nevill's call to the police on the morning of the murders at White House Farm in Tolleshunt D'Arcy;

* The original situation report radioed in by Sgt Chris Bews calling out the firearms team;

* Sgt Bews and PC Myall’s original witness statements written on August 7 1985;

* Audio recordings of the open phone line at White House Farm recording the raid on the house by the firearms officers at 7.39am;

* Public Interest Immunity file on Julie Mugford and her discussions with Crown Prosecution Service and her newspaper deal;

* Photographs of all the rooms in White House Farm including those containing firearms. Bamber contests 77 negative images had been removed from film strips given to his defence team;

* Sheila Caffell's medical/psychiatric records.