Colchester’s Lib Dem MP Bob Russell claims a priest who accused him of using “vile and offensive language” did so because he’s a Labour activist.

The Rev Neil Richardson professed himself shocked when Mr Russell labelled rioters a******** in a letter to a national newspaper.

Mr Richardson, rector of Greenford Magna, West London, then wrote to Mr Russell, describing the use of the word as “disgusting” and “disgraceful”.

The letter also attacked other Lib Dems as “unprincipled and opportunistic politicians without an ounce of integrity or truthfulness”.

But the Essex MP said Mr Richardson’s comments had to be considered in the light of his Labour Party connections – including a 16-year stint as a Labour councillor in Ealing, West London.

Mr Russell said: “I told the ‘Red Rector’ I sent a copy of his letter to the Gazette and his own local paper.

“Residents in his part of London, which experienced some of the riots, might be interested to know their local Labour rector has expressed the views he has. I think they may be dismayed.”

He said he had replied directly to Mr Richardson, addressing him as “Comrade Vicar”, and claiming he should have mentioned his Labour links in the original letter.

Mr Richardson acknowleged his party affiliation, but said: “This statement has nothing to do with my personal political views.

“This extreme term of abuse is totally inappropriate for an MP and demonstrates a failure of political analysis. The causes of the riots were complex and deserving of deeper study than that word implies.”