A CONCERNED daughter has pleaded with Colchester Council not to close an activity centre.

The council is considering shutting Abbots Activity Centre in a bid to save a £74,000-a-year subsidy.

But Nicky Bailey, whose mother Jo Crawshaw uses the centre, said it was fundamental to her mother’s quality of life.

Mrs Bailey said Mrs Crawshaw, who is 90, was disabled after suffering two strokes.

Since the first stroke in 2006, she has regularly attended Abbots as a member of the Colne Communication Group run by the Stroke Association.

Mrs Bailey said: “This group provides the only regular activity which takes her out of the house into a safe, caring environment where she is able to have social contact on a one-to-one basis designed to provide mental stimulation and promote re-learning of lost skills.

“Colchester is under-provided with support for victims of the type of stroke my mother has suffered and Abbots offers the only regular location for a communication group where efforts are made to actively reinforce and improve communication skills which have been lost through her illness.”