FORGET the Tour de France!

A team of skateboarders are set to embark on a gruelling skateboard challenge which would make even the most hardened adventurer quake.

The four friends - Jamie Everitt, 24, Fiona Cruickshank, 22, Mike Jones, 23, and Oli Parkinson, 22 - are skateboarding more than 200 miles from Calais to Amsterdam.

And to make the challenge even tougher, they will carry all their living gear - including tents, clothes and food - with them.

Jamie, who is a civil engineer from Colchester, met the rest of the team when they went to Plymouth University.

Jamie will jump on his trusty RollsRolls Woody skateboard for the seven day trip along a route which will take them from Calais along the North Sea coastal route through Bruges and Rotterdam.