A CONCERNED daughter who is fighting to save a threatened activity centre has challenged council data.

Nicky Bailey says claims that Lion Walk activity centre in Colchester are more popular and better value than Abbots activity centre are unsubstantiated.

And she has asked Colchester Council to reconsider its proposal to shut Abbots.
The council’s scrutiny committee due to discuss the issue at its meeting at firstsite on Tuesday.

Nicky Bailey, whose 90-year-old mother Jo goes to Abbots, said the arguments to shut the centre are flawed.

Council leaders claim only 255 members use Abbots which does not justify the £74,000 a year subsidy.

They also say Lion Walk activity centre is a better alternative because of its town centre location.

But Nicky said the Lion Walk centre only had a handful more members - at 290 - far less than the 721 members previously suggested.

Nicky added: “Colchester Council is unfairly singling out Abbots on the basis of wrong information and flawed assessment.

“All the council’s arguments have been based on the assumption Lion Walk has more members, is more popular and is better value for money but this is not so."