PLANS which will see 200 brightly coloured umbrellas suspended above the town centre are set to be given the green light.

Last month it was revealed Colchester Council was looking to string the umbrellas from cables above Sir Isaac’s Walk, spanning a distance of 87 metres.

But before the umbrellas can be installed the council has applied for planning permission and listed building consent to put up ‘fixing points’ at 20 buildings.

It also includes putting up the cables for the umbrellas.

There lowest umbrellas will be 5.7m above floor level to allow vehicles to continue to use the road.

The plans are for three years but the umbrellas will be removed in autumn and replaced by another installation.

A report, set to go before the planning committee, said: “The proposed works will serve the addition of an art installation over Sir Isaacs Walk during the summer of 2019.


“The project hopes to increase the attractiveness and footfall of the commercial street, following similar examples of other cities around the world.

“The enhancement of a Conservation Area’s vitality and the support of the local businesses are key factors to ensure its sustainability.

“Importantly, the works are reversible and will not affect the character of and appearance of the Conservation Area in a permanent manner.”

Some of the umbrellas will be illuminated, in a bid to make a “striking display that will be visible to visitors both day and night”.

Property owners in Sir Isaac’s Walk have given the council permission for the umbrellas.

They are part of the £2million Better Colchester campaign which includes improving lighting of Colchester Castle and a section of the town’s Roman Wall.

Planning officers have recommended it be approved.

The meeting takes place at the town hall next Thursday, March 14, from 6pm.