A COLLEGE trip to Italy will go ahead despite concerns about the outbreak of coronavirus in the country.

Catering students at Colchester Institute are set to visit Venice, Bologna, Florence and Rome next month on an optional field trip.

However the plans were thrown into doubt following the outbreak of the virus in northern Italy where 19 people have died and 11 towns are on lockdown.

The Veneto region, of which Venice is the capital, has become one of the worst affected areas in Europe.

College bosses have agreed to press ahead with the trip after consulting Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) guidelines.

A spokesman for Colchester Institute said: “The planned trip itinerary does not include any of the ten small towns in the Lombardy region, or the one in the Veneto region of Italy, where advice is against all but essential travel. The FCO are not advising against travel to any other territory as a result of coronavirus risks.

“Students and parents can be assured the college is taking this matter very seriously, at the time of writing, the trip is intended to proceed as planned.

“However, this is clearly a dynamic situation and we will react promptly to fast changing events, we will provide immediate notification if FCO advice changes which impacts on this trip.”

“Students and parents have been advised of the current situation, if any student does not wish to continue with this planned trip we will respect their decision.”

Students and their parents have been advised the final decision is theirs.

Two doctors surgeries, in Mersea in Rowhedge, were forced to close earlier this week due to potential cases of the condition.

The family of a teenager from Philip Morant School also confirmed he has been tested for the condition after returning from a ski-trip to Italy.

Coronavirus presents with flu-like symptoms including a fever, a cough, or difficulty breathing.

Anyone who thinks they may have the condition is advised to call 111 and isolate themselves.