A DETERMINED pensioner who has been “religiously” walking around her garden in aid of front line workers is now on the brink of hitting her 110km target.

Angela Nicholas, 73, from Little Clacton, started her ambitious fundraising voyage around her well-kept green space nearly three weeks ago for NHS Charities Together.

Every day since, regardless of the - at times - windy and rainy weather, the keen gardener has completed 73 laps, which roughly equates to just over 5km.

In order to know when she has completed a lap, she carries with her a bucket filled with a total of 73 pebbles and puts one in a bowl at the end of each completed route.

“No matter the weather, I put on my trainers, gloves and coat, and I get out there and I do it,” she said.

“I have done it religiously and there is no way I am going to stop now, because once you start, you do not stop.”

Mrs Nicholas was inspired to embark on her daily saunters for the NHS after experiencing, on several occasions, the service’s incredible professionalism.

Her efforts follow on from those of war hero Marjorie West, 99, from Dedham, who was part of the Women’s Royal Naval Service.

She completed 100 laps of her garden in solidarity with Captain Tom Moore, who also did the same ahead of his 100th birthday, capturing the hearts of the nation and generating £30 million.

Mrs Nicholas said: “I wanted to do something for the frontline workers because I think they are doing a marvellous job, especially with the conditions they have to work with.

“It must be horrendous for them and their families, and so many have died from doing their job, which is really worrying.

“But in the past, the NHS has really looked after me well, when I, or my family, have needed it.”

At the start of her journey, Mrs Nicholas, whose final day of walking is tomorrow, set out to raise £200 for the medics fighting coronavirus head-on.

But, as her strolls have gathered pace, so has her fundraising drive, and she has now received more than £1,000 from family, friends, and the community.

“People I know, and even people I don’t know, have been really generous with their donations,” said Angela.

“My grandson, Chris, has been really good with helping me set up the fundraising page and everything, which has really helped.

“Hopefully, this money will be put towards helping the workers and do some good.”

To donate, visit gofundme.com/f/angelas-110km-garden-walk-for-the-nhs.