A MAGICAL winter wonderland has been created inspired by a brave little girl battling a range of life-limiting conditions.

Erin Sadler, who is seven, faces spending Christmas in hospital this year.

She has a number of serious medical conditions including kidney, liver and heart disease, and has had more than 100 blood transfusions in her short lifetime.

For the past four years her mum Helen has created a winter wonderland at home for Erin.

And this year has been no different.

It has now been completed and includes turntables, castles, a snow queen, penguins, polar bears and lots of fake snow.

In October, Erin became seriously unwell and was rushed to Colchester Hospital.

Her condition was so serve doctors decided to transfer her to Great Ormond Street Hospital in London.

Erin spent 28 days in the hospital and underwent three operations in four days.

Doctors discovered she had an infection and pulmonary edema, where there is excess fluid on the lungs.

Gazette: Erin in Colchester HospitalErin in Colchester Hospital

Erin has a picc line which is used to give medicine and food intravenously.

But doctors discovered it could be the cause of her infection.

The picc line had been in place for more than two years and had not been removed or replaced due to the risk of putting Erin under anaesthetic.

Helen said: “We have nearly lost Erin three years on the trot.

“She had a heart attack last year and the year before had 56 blood transfusions in 52 days.

“They made the decision the infection was winning and they felt the picc line had to come out.

“Erin went down to theatre and was there for two hours.”

But during the operation doctors discovered it had calcified to her body and would need specialist surgery to remove it.

A doctor from the Royal Free Hospital was brought in for the next operation.

Helen said: “She had three operations in four consecutive days and she triumphed.

“She defied all the odds to survive.”

Erin was able to return to Colchester Hospital where she is still receiving treatment.

Helen had almost finished the magical wonderland setting by the end of October but due to Erin’s illness it had to be put on hold.

During a few breaks - and with Erin’s blessing - Helen returned home to finish off the winter wonderland.

Gazette: The magic winter wonderland created for ErinThe magic winter wonderland created for Erin

It sits in the conservatory so when Erin returns home she can gaze at it through the doors - looking like a magical Christmas scene.

Erin’s winter wonderland will be on display at her grandfather Philip Sadler’s house in Colchester.

She said: “My dad did the turntables using wheels off one of Erin’s old buggies.”

Erin has never been able to go to big Christmas events and this is Helen’s way of bringing the magic to her.

Gazette: Friends - Erin and Sarah Raven-Lloyd her support worker

  • Friends - Erin and Sarah Raven-Lloyd her support worker

This year Helen is using it to raise money for the Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity which has supported her.

Helen said: “It is a charity so close to our hearts. It provides support in the home and our family support worker Sarah has such a beautiful relationship with Erin. I have also found a friend in her.

“I want families going through similar things to have the same support we have had.

“I speak from personal experience the difference the family support workers from the Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity make.

“We wanted to raise some funds and some awareness of what they do.”

To date, text ERIN 3 to 70490 to donate £3. Texts cost £3 plus one standard rate message and you’ll be opting in to hear more about Rainbow Trust’s work and fundraising via telephone and SMS.

If you’d like to give £3 but do not wish to receive marketing communications, text ERINNOINFO 3 to 70490.

To donate £5 text ERIN 5 to 70490, to donate £10 text ERIN 10 to 70490, to donate £20 text ERIN 20 to 70490.