HUNDREDS of driving licences could expire within days meaning you could face a fine of up to £1,000.

Driving licence renewals were automatically extended during the first wave of coronavirus, giving people an 11-month extension on licenses expired between February 1 and December 31 2020.

The extension started from the date your licence was due to expire and are not automatically extended.

Failing to renew it could cost you up to £1,000.

The Government websites says: "If your licence expired between 1 February and 31 December 2020 your driving licence or entitlement to drive in the UK was automatically extended for 11 months. This is because of coronavirus (COVID-19).

"The extension started from the date your licence was due to expire.

"You will not get a new licence as part of the automatic extension. You’ll only get a new licence when you renew it.

"You can renew your licence online at any time before the extension ends.

"Renew your licence as normal if it expires on or after 1 January 2021."

There are three big checks to ensure your driving license is correct:

1- Check the expiry date

Photocard licenses must be renewed every ten years.

According to the DVLA over two million photocards are out of date.

2-Check your address

Forgetting to update your address could risk you up to £1,000 if stopped by the police.

3- Check your name or gender is correct

Direct Line previously found 3 per cent of married women had an out-of-date name on their licence.

All these details can be updates at