STUDENT Stephen Johnson is 17 and lives in Brightlingsea. He is the latest member of the Gazette's Camera Club to take part in our Behind the Lens feature.

Stephen Johnson

Stephen Johnson

Why did you take up photography?

I took up photography to show others how I see the world and I love to change the 'normal' perspective by using techniques in my work such as long shutter speeds.

Why do you love taking pictures?

I love being outside in all conditions and photography gives me an extra reason to go outside, while getting to capture the breathtaking views I see.



Where is your favourite place locally to take pictures? How about further afield?

My favourite place by far is the Essex coast. We have a vast amount of subject matter and the coast is always changing. No place I visit is ever the same.

What equipment do you use?

I use a range of equipment to produce my images, including a Canon 80d and Canon 550d. I mostly shoot wide angle and always with a tripod set up.



What is your favourite picture you've ever taken?

I don't think I can narrow it down to a single image. I have many I like for different reasons, such as the story of how I captured it or the challenging conditions I was faced with.

If you could photograph anyone or any place in the world, who/what would it be?

I have a huge bucket list of places to visit and photograph. Iceland, Norway, Scotland, Italy and Japan are just a few.



Anything else you think we should know about you?

I'm currently a college student and hope to turn my photography into a further career. I have also produced three calendars which have sold out for each edition. My website is

What advice would you give anyone who wants to get into photography?

Just keep shooting the subject you're interested in.



* Fancy joining our photography club? Just search for Gazette Camera Club on Facebook. We regularly feature members’ pictures in our papers and websites and thought it would be good to find out a bit more about the people in the club. If you fancy being part of our Behind the Lens feature, just send us some details using the link below.