A CAMPAIGNING group has urged residents “it’s not too late to save Middlewick” as the closing date for public objections looms.

Middlewick Ranges, which is owned by the Ministry of Defence, is expected to be sold for development next year when firing operations move to Fingringhoe.

If the MoD’s plans are successful, it will be kept in Colchester’s Local Plan and 1,000 houses built on the site dubbed the green lungs of Colchester.

Campaigners have now urged residents to make one final push ahead of the November 15 closing date for objections to the proposal.

The Save the Middlewick campaign group was set up in 2016 in response to Colchester Council’s decision to include the site within the Local Plan.

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The group fears years of construction, traffic and noise, 1,000 plus more vehicles and worse air pollution in an area already above legal limits will be among the devastating consequences of the project.

It also raised concerns badgers, nightingales, skylarks, bats and rare species of bees and butterflies will all lose their homes despite their legal protection if the plans go ahead.

Richard Martin, of Friends of the Middlewick, has now helped to construct an information pack to assist residents in making an informed decision.

“The average person on the street might not like the idea of the plans, but not really know how to articulate this into a formal objection,” said Mr Martin.

“Our guide gives them facts to help add meaning to their points, so they know what they’re actually objecting to.

“We would all feel gutted if the 1,000 homes went ahead as it is such a unique space in the county, let alone Colchester, and our ecologists totally disagree with what the MoD ecologists saw.

“It does seem the inspector has favoured them over us, despite the fact we have had people out in the field for years. We thought we had blasted a hole in the MoD’s report but, for some reason, the inspector disagrees.”

Speaking in regards to the Local Plan, Karen Syrett, Colchester Council’s planning and housing manager, said: “Nobody local wants any development, I don’t think it’s just Middlewick, but we do have to allocate it.

“It has to go somewhere or it would be a free-for-all and I don’t think anyone would welcome that.”

You can find more information on how to voice your opinion on the Local Plan via savemiddlewick.org.