WAR heroes were remembered earlier today as a poignant two-minute silence fell over Colchester's town centre.

Mayor of Colchester, councillor Robert Davison, led a moving Act of Remembrance ceremony outside the town hall today.

He was joined by army veterans, military personnel and residents who all marked the moving moment of reflection as the clock struck 11am.


Speaking after the ceremony mayor Davidson said he felt privileged to have been able to oversee proceedings.

He said: “I am immensely honoured and humbled to have led the ceremony on behalf of the people of Colchester and to remember with deep gratitude the sacrifice of all those who have given their lives for others in defence of freedom and peace.

"Not only in the First and Second World Wars, but in the many conflicts that have subsequently taken place

“I do hope residents will also be able to join me in paying tribute to the fallen, at 11am this Sunday, during the special Remembrance Day service at the War Memorial.”