HOMES for families from Afghanistan have been identified in Tendring after their desperate attempts to flee their home nation.

A further four new housing offers are in the process of being made to families from Afghanistan following the continued efforts of Essex County Council’s Afghan Refugee Task Force.

As part of its operation, seven families have started their lives so far across the council’s administrative area and “positive progress” is being made in securing more suitable housing.

If the latest four offers are approved, including in Tendring, these properties could be available as soon as next month and will be prioritised for the remaining families in the three bridging hotels.

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Anyone wishing to make an offer of a property can contact their local council responsible for housing or alternatively access the Government Afghanistan housing portal.

Chaired by Essex County Council’s leader Kevin Bentley, the task force was set up last month to ensure suitable, sustainable housing is found for Afghan families in Essex.

Mr Bentley said: “This is a great example of all partners within Essex working together. No one authority can solve this issue on its own or overnight.

“Only through working together are we going to ensure the individuals who have risked so much to support the UK and other people who had to flee Afghanistan can get the best possible start to life here.”

It comes as last month it was revealed negotiations are in place for Colchester to welcome more Afghan refugees.

Colchester Council disclosed it is engaging in talks with the Ministry of Defence to negotiate the use of a further ten MoD properties for refugees.

If approved, these properties could be available as soon as this month and will be prioritised for the remaining families in the bridging hotels.

Colchester has welcomed refugees since chaos ensued in Afghanistan following the withdrawal of Western forces.

A hotel on the outskirts of the town confirmed to the Gazette it has taken on a number of families, however, it requested its name was not made public due to safety concerns.