A SCHEME in which Clacton youngsters teach fellow students how to stay healthy - a national first - could be copied across the country.

About 30 teenagers from Clacton County High, Colbayns High and Bishops Park College have taken part in the Peer Health Training Project.

They were trained by North East Essex Primary Care Trust (PCT) to give guidance on issues like sexual health, smoking and getting fit.

The project was kickstarted with an £18,000 grant by the Interaction Partnership Board, set up to spend a £3.8 million Government grant in Clacton's Pier and Jaywick's Golf Green ward.

North East Essex PCT has agreed to take on the project.

Chris French, the trust's public health specialist, gave the board a presentation on the project a year after it was established.

"We are not training experts, we are giving them the tools to go into school and signpost when they are approached," he said.

"Rather than a teacher spouting off, they are getting a peer approach - it can be very effective.

"I would have thought it will be copied all over the country."

Mr French said the scheme had had great support from schools and thanked the board for funding the project.

There were no figures to show how successful the scheme has been, but the programme won the Health and Reducing Inequalities Award at East of England Health and Social Care Awards last month.