I agree with Jim McMillan (Gazette Letters, October 4, “I’ll try to avoid Stane Park’s traffic chaos”) about the parking problems at Stane Park.

Apart from anything else - albeit based on only one visit - there appears to be insufficient disabled parking.

With regard to the cafe/restaurant at the new Marks & Spencers, it appears to me to resemble a warehouse more than a dining area, with a prevailing image of the colour brown and just about completely artificially lit.

The energy costs must be (or soon will be) sky high.

A 90-year-old friend of mine went to the restaurant, only to find that there were no traditional serving points manned by people, but just screens with options to press, and no option but to pay by credit card.

When she asked a member of staff how elderly people without access to plastic were supposed to pay for food, she was advised to go downstairs and buy an M&S gift voucher and pay from that!

I’m forced to the conclusion that M&S have given up on the older customer (assuming they can even get to the new shop), and are concentrating on the younger.

This seems a very short sighted policy.

Christopher Samuel
Dale Close