A MOTHER and her twin sons ran a family business which made thousands of pounds from selling brownies and gummy bears containing cannabis, a court has heard.

Paula Vidovic, 58, and her 22-year-old sons Bradley and Brendan, set up the business after her husband, who was the men’s father, walked out leaving them with debts, Ipswich Crown court heard.

Charles Judge, prosecuting, claimed the business, which ran for 16 months, had an estimated turnover of around £400,000 although barristers for the defendants claimed it was nearer £230,000.

Jailing the twins for 30 months and passing a suspended prison sentence on their mother, Judge David Pugh said although the twins had come up with the idea of the business, Paula Vidovic had “readily” become involved and had baked the edible cannabis products.

Gazette: Behind bars - Brendan VidovicBehind bars - Brendan Vidovic (Image: Newsquest)

He said whether the turnover was £400,000 or nearer £250,000 the defendants had clearly been involved in the commercial supply of cannabis.

Judge Pugh said during the police investigation officers had recovered a text message which referred to “two schoolgirls picking up”.

However, he said this provided “limited” evidence that children were involved.

Judge Pugh said all three defendants were of previous good character and had expressed remorse.

Paula Vidovic and her sons, all of Straight Road, Colchester, admitted being concerned in the supply of cannabis between May 2, 2020, and August 31 last year The twins also admitted possessing criminal property and Brendan Vidovic admitted being concerned in money laundering.

Gazette: Locked up - Jailed - Bradley VidovicLocked up - Jailed - Bradley Vidovic (Image: Newsquest)

Bradley and Brendan Vidovic were each jailed for 30 months, less 48 days for time they have spent on an electronically monitored curfew.

Their mother was given a 21 month jail term suspended for 24 months, a 30 day rehabilitation activity requirement and a nine month curfew between 4pm and 8am.

During the sentencing hearing Mitchell Cohen, for Paula Vidovic, denied she was “Ma Baker sending out her sons to do her bidding.”

He said she had baked the edible cannabis products at the request of her sons using cannabis oil they already had in their possession after her husband left them with substantial debts.

A hearing under the Proceeds of Crime Act will take place at a later date.