GREEN-FINGERED pupils experienced the freeing feeling of nature and the great outdoors as they planted hundreds of flowers around their school grounds.

Rolph C of E Primary School and Nursery, in Thorpe-le-Soken, will be bursting with colour come next Spring after students planted 600 flower bulbs.

The tulips, crocuses, daffodils and grape hyacinths were gifted to the project by Bulbs4Kids, a programme helping children explore the environment in a fun way.

The Netherlands-based initiative has seen millions of bulbs sent to thousands of schools in the UK and across Europe, including Rolph Primary.

Emma Sweeney, Forest School and outdoor learning lead at Rolph, said: “The children have enjoyed comparing the different bulbs before planting them.

“They are looking forward to the Spring to see the colourful display.”

Students at Rolph are no strangers to getting their hands dirty while learning outdoors, having developed a love and a passion for working with nature.

The school, for example, was the first in Essex to receive Beacon School status, thanks to its rejuvenated woodland area and pond.

Pupils have also planted 105 trees donated to them by the Woodland Trust, from which they have also achieved a Green Trees for School Silver Award.

Emma added: “All children from the school and nursery have regular forest school sessions and outdoor learning sessions in our very own woodland.

“Staff, children and their families have been working hard to achieve different awards and enhance our woodland site.

“We have group of children who give up their own time to assist in managing the woodland.

“They are currently taking part in the Royal Forestry Societies Young Foresters course, learning how to manage a woodland area.”