A PROJECT aimed at improving the confidence and self-esteem of teenagers has been hailed a success.

The XL group has been run by the Prince's Trust through Colbayns High School, in Clacton, for the last four years.

Co-ordinator Marion Lewis said that in its four years it had gone from strength to strength.

She said there were two groups of ten pupils who meet for three hours per week.

One group undertakes the course alongside their GCSEs, while the other is following a separate ASDAN programme, which is in place of the standard academic qualifications.

Mrs Lewis said: "These are students who can be a bit lively and are in need of a bit of TLC.

"They tend to be the students that are going to struggle with mainstream classes, or who lack confidence and self esteem.

"Often they have had past attendance issues, and this gets them back into school - I don't know how it works, but it does.""

The programme has six modules -- personal, interpersonal and team skills; citizenship and community awareness; a community-based project; a residential activity; entrepreneurship and enterprise; and preparation for work and training.

This includes trips to places like Snowdonia in North Wales.