PLANS which will see 68km of new water pipes laid between Colchester and Suffolk have been unveiled. 

Anglian Water plans to build the pipelines to combat the 30 million litres a day water shortage the East of England currently faces.

This new Bury St Edmunds to Colchester pipeline will run for 68 kilometres, including new above-ground assets in seven locations, such as pumping stations.

Hundreds of kilometres of new, interconnecting pipelines will be laid as part of the scheme, stretching from North Lincolnshire, through Cambridge, to Suffolk and Essex.

The Bury St Edmunds to Colchester section has been specially designed in order to avoid any sensitive ecological sites and areas, where surveys have found protected species, such as badgers, water voles, bats and crested newts.

The four councils involved along the planned route include West Suffolk District Council, Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Council and Colchester Council. 

The new pipeline will make use of the latest technology, including machinery never used before in the UK.

The entire network has also been designed to emit the lowest carbon footprint possible, in line with Anglian Water’s pledge to reach net zero carbon by 2030.

John Neil, who leads the team delivering the Bury St Edmunds to Colchester section, said: “The new pipelines will allow water to be moved to areas where it is needed most, while also strengthening local resilience by reducing the number of homes and businesses which rely on a single water source. 

“They are vital in addressing the predicted ‘jaws of death’ moment for water availability in the East of England, the point at which demand for water greatly outstrips the available supply. 

“With 175,000 new homes to be built in the next few years, it is vital we ensure we have resilient infrastructure in place to support local authorities in delivering their Local Plans, and residents who live in the area. 

“We look forward to working with all of the local councils as they review our application.”