TRANSPORT bosses have said “there is a clear desire” for a controversial car ban in Colchester’s city centre to be made permanent.

Temporary traffic restrictions were introduced in Colchester High Street back in June 2020 as part of Essex County Council’s Safer, Greener, Healthier initiative.

The measures were introduced in a bid to increase space for pedestrians and enable social distancing as retailers reopened following the first national lockdown.

The ban was initially for 24 hours a day before a review of the proposals resulted in the scheme becoming more accommodating for drivers during the evening.

Since then normal traffic – excluding buses, taxi, blue badge holders and motorbikes - has been prohibited from using the High Street between 7am and 7pm.

Following the introduction of the latest temporary car ban residents were invited to have their say on the council’s plans to make it a permanent arrangement.

The consultation concluded back in August but the restrictions remain in place and the outcome of the mass public survey has still not been published.

A spokesman for Essex County Council has now said: “The results of the consultation are being evaluated.

“Once evaluated, these answers will feed into our Safer, Greener, Healthier initiative to improve walking and cycling connections on a key route across Colchester.

“This will see a mix of new infrastructure, the introduction of 20mph areas and the creation of new School Streets.”

Back in 2021, a poll carried out by the Gazette revealed 61 per cent of readers felt the decision should be reverted and not made permanent.

Despite this, authority bosses believe a majority of Colchester residents want to see the High Street car ban continue for the foreseeable future.

“Following the introduction [of the restrictions], extensive engagement and consultation has taken place with local people,” added the spokesman.

“There is a clear desire to see a set of permanent restrictions which will promote Colchester High Street as a highly attractive area by restricting through traffic.”

Resident Patrick Mead, however, thinks the ban should be for all vehicles or none of them.

Speaking previously, he said: “It is a ridiculous situation that cars cannot drive along the High Street, but buses and delivery vehicles can.”

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