Breast cancer affects around 55,000 women and 380 men, every year, and this includes women of all ages. 

Liz Storey, (Lady McAdden’s Director of Operations) stated that, "there is a common misconception that it only affects those who are older due to the national screening service starting at age 50, in fact 20% of breast cancer occurs in younger women. This combined with the facts that 42% of newly diagnosed find the changes themselves and 46% of women don’t even check."

Therefore, implying how important it is that awareness is more commonly taught, so that the risk of breast cancer can be decreased and even prevented. As this awareness can also make people more self aware and cautious of their physical well-being, leading them to notice differences and changes in the breasts that they wouldn’t have before, and also knowing whether it is time to contact a specialist or seek other medical attention.


Breast Cancer can be caused through many ways, such as age, hormones, lifestyle factors (e.g alcohol, smoking and weight) and even through DNA. 

Making it especially important that everyone is aware because anyone can be affected, some people just have high chances. Furthermore, most illnesses, such as the common cold or influenza etc. have quite obvious and distinct symptoms, making them easier to identify, especially because of how common they are. However, with breast cancer, it is not as obvious because the more distinct changes (e.g pain, hardness, lumps) may come later on or just may not be much of a concern to the person (if they are not aware of the cause, that is.)



Lady McAdden Breast Cancer Trust


Lady McAdden is an independent breast cancer charity, who support early detection of breast cancer through Advice, Awareness and Education. 

"We do this by providing practical advice on how to be breast aware, support and advice, combined with educational information. We base our information on the latest scientific research and developments and work closely with the NHS to ensure that we compliment the 5-point plan of Breast Screening."

"It is the only charity in the UK that offers self referral appointments to a specialist nurse for breast awareness."


Lady McAdden recognise how important it is to be aware, as it is not a well spoken about subject especially to younger people, due to the "common misconception that it only affects those who are older" making it more important than ever to educate people on this topic.

"we now also support breast pain and those that have found a change to their breasts but aren’t sure what to do or how to get help. This advice and support is available by telephone, secure video call or face to face appointments in our premises in Leigh on Sea or at venues throughout the community."


The History 


"Lady McAdden has a very long history that starts with the Townswomen of Southend finding a purse with a significant amount of money in it. That lucky find was never claimed and so it was decided to do something worthwhile with it. On 4 April 1974 the Lady McAdden Appeal was set up, named in honour of Lady McAdden, the wife of the late Sir Stephen McAdden MP.  Our doors opened for the UK’s first Breast Screening Unit on 22 May 1976, which was formally opened by HRH Princess Margaret on 27 June 1977."


As Lady McAdden are an independent charity, they rely solely on donations,  fundraising and specific grant funding (when available), therefore any sort of support or donation to the charity is greatly appreciated

:The Lady McAdden website which has so much more information, advice and support to offer, including who to contact for an appointment.


Lastly, Thank you to Lady McAdden for allowing me to feature them in this article and helping me with the information.




-Zahra Yaqobi