A PAIR of tamanduas at Colchester Zoo welcomed their third baby just before the new year.

Southern Tamanduas Ruth and Oreo received their third offspring on December 27, 2022 and the young tamandua is yet to be sexed or named but is growing healthy and strong.

Mother Ruth arrived at Colchester Zoo in January 2017 after being transferred from Frankfurt Zoo. Oreo also arrived in January 2017 from Papiliorama Swiss Tropical Gardens in Switzerland.

Ruth and Oreo’s previous offspring have since been transferred to other collections as part of breeding recommendations.

Back in June 2022, youngster Tomsk went travelling to Germany and was successfully transfered to zoo Krefeld in the hope that he will begin a family of his own.

A spokesman for Colchester Zoo said: “Tamanduas are born well developed and will cling to their mother’s back during the early days and weeks.

“They are often hung on a branch near a feeding spot or left in a nest of leaves when the mother wants to feed alone.

“They come from South America and are arboreal anteaters and spend a lot of time in the trees.

“They have strong claws and have a long, powerful, prehensile tail, which enables them to hold onto things.”

It will be a while before the sex of the new child is confirmed, for more updates visit colchester-zoo.com