A MAN who was left bed bound for six months after a life changing diagnosis is set to take on dares in a bid to help others in the same boat. 

Callum Bell, 21, of Shrub End, was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease last April. 

It followed a period of illness which saw him rushed into hospital in 2021 following a perennial abscess burst inside of him.

Callum had to undergo many more surgeries, resulting in him being bed bound for six months, with seven open wounds that weren’t healing.

During this period he had five MRI scans, a colonoscopy and an endoscopy, to see if doctors could find out why Callum was so ill.

Now on medication to manage his condition Callum has decided to fundraise to help others in the same position. 

He has teamed up with mum, Tracy and dad, Reginald, to create a shocking list of dares which the trio will complete on livestream to raise money.

The list includes shaving his head and eating the world’s hottest crisp, with hopes of raising funds for Crohn’s and Colitis UK.

Other dares include having his legs waxed, cracking six eggs on his head and dying his hair purple. 

His mum will even have her eyebrows shaved live on air if they reach £450. 

On his fundraising livestream, Callum said: “I’m hoping the funds can help the charity do more promotional work online and raise money for people in my boat, who didn’t know anything about Crohn’s and had it dropped onto them in their life.

“I’m still learning with everyone else, and I hope that other people from Colchester can talk about their own diagnoses on the stream.”

Crohn's disease is a lifelong condition where parts of the digestive system become inflamed.

The disease affects people of all ages and the symptoms usually start in childhood or early adulthood.

There's no cure for Crohn's disease, but treatment can help reduce or control the symptoms.

The livestream will take place on Jan 31. For more information on the stream and to donate to Callum's cause, visit bit.ly/3XSOSWS.