A long serving Essex County Council care worker who won a complaint of constructive unfair dismissal was “targeted without due cause” – according to concerns spelled out to an employment tribunal.

Nicola Griffiths, who had worked as a social worker in various teams in Essex County Council’s Children and Families Service since 2004, quit due to a cumulative breach of contract by the council, two years after complaints surfaced in the way she did her job.

As part of her complaints about Essex County Council Ms Griffiths outlined grievances against her managers in the Mid Family Support and Protection team, in particular, that Ahana Kalluri and Sally-Ann Millar and others, had made “spurious allegations against her and bullied her”.

Ms Griffiths had argued that they had “behaved maliciously” towards her.

Those allegations had been dismissed during an grievance process. But when an appeal also failed to “sanction certain managers and members of the team” she resigned warning Essex County Council she would be bringing a complaint for constructive unfair dismissal.

Employment Judge Jones ruled in favour of a constructive unfair dismissal claim, as well as one for disability discrimination, surrounding issues with Ms Griffiths’ mental health, in a ruling on January 24.

The tribunal concluded that she resigned because she believed that she could not trust the council, given that there had been no sanctions applied to “to those who had made unfounded complaints against her and refused to accept that they were so.”

Complaints made against Ms Griffiths into her conduct – including how she had an “overly challenging approach and that she had caused families to leave the room in tears, stating that they never wanted to work with her again – were raised by Ms Kalluri in April 2018.

By May 2018 having checked the records, it was found that there had been no dissatisfactions or complaints raised against Ms Griffiths since 2015.

On July 17 that year Ms Griffiths was told there was “further information but that it could not be shared yet”. That was in fact referring to a recent complaint raised by Sally-Ann Millar, team manager in Mid, which had been forwarded to Ms Griffiths’ team manager Kate Adams on instruction of Ms Kalluri.

In it, Ms Millar raises three specific complaints about Ms Griffiths relation to her interaction with two families.

On September 7 2018 , Ms Adams emailed her investigation report to Nahida de Leon, the Child in Need Reviewing, Professional Standard and Audit Services Manager, Ms Kalluri and copied it to the claimant.

A meeting on December 11 2018 between the Ms Griffiths, Ms Adams, Gillian Hobbs, another of Ms Griffiths’ managers, and Ms de Leon in which the complaint which had been investigated and proved to be unfounded Ms Griffiths described how not being informed of the detail of the situation by Ms Adams had had a profound effect on her mental health.

On December 14 2018 Ms de Leon emailed Ms Kalluri to enquire why there had been no response from the council’s investigation into the two issues raised by Ms Millar.

She stated: “I guess as it stands, it feels a little that Nicola has been targeted without due cause and I know that she would like some acknowledgement to conclude this matter. I hope you understand that from Nicola’s point of view who was extremely affected by this set of circumstances.”

In her response, Ms Kalluri stated that there had been no attempt to target the claimant and that she had not intended to be dismissive of the claimant either. She did not say that the team accepted the findings of the investigation and instead, stated that while she could see that there was a context to the complaints, she was not ‘doing a U-Turn or disregarding Nicola’s views of this piece of work’.

The judgement in recording the first grievance submitted February 3 2019, said: “In her grievance the claimant outlined the following complaints: Firstly, a grievance against the managers in Mid (FS&P) team, in particular, that Ahana Kalluri and Sally Ann Millar and others, had made spurious allegations against her and bullied her.

“She referred to them ignoring the outcome of the investigation into the complaints they raised. She stated that they had behaved maliciously towards her. In her revised grievance she also named other practitioners at Mid.

“Secondly, she complained about the manner in which Ms de Leon, Ms Adams and Ms Hobbs managed the investigation of the complaints made against her.”

The revised grievance was sent to the respondent on February 26. In that document, the claimant added her belief that the complaints and the manner in which they had been investigated had made her continued employment untenable.

The grievance report from Anita Kemp noted the complaints had not been shared in a timely and transparent way but Ms Kemp did not decide whether the Claimant’s grievances were upheld or not upheld. On July 3 2019, she put in an appeal against the outcome.

The judgment also noted her unhappiness that there was to be no sanction against people who had made complaints against her.

The judgment said: “She felt that Ms Kemp should have recommended disciplinary action and/or training for those who made allegations against her which were then found to be false. The claimant referred to being the victim of organisational bullying and victimisation.”

In the meantime Paul Secker, director of Safeguarding and Quality Assurance, stated that he was prepared to find alternative arrangements for her to enable her to return to work However the claimant’s grievance appeal from Chris Martin, Commissioning Director – Children, Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and Autism, who dealt with the claimant’s appeal against the outcome of her grievance, did not refer anyone for disciplinary action as he did not believe that any of their actions were motivated by malice.

The judgement said: “The claimant was disappointed by the outcome of the grievance appeal. By this time, she really wanted disciplinary action taken against the social workers who had made what she considered to be malicious complaints against her without foundation which had caused her a long period of anxiety, stress and absence from work, thereby jeopardising her career. She did not believe that this had been addressed adequately in the appeal outcome.”

In a follow up meeting on February 10 2020 The claimant felt that her position had been made untenable by the complaints made against her and what she considered to be the victimisation she had suffered after the made the complaint.

She informed the council that she had decided to resign her employment and that she would be bringing a complaint for constructive unfair dismissal. Ms Griffiths returned her laptop, work phone and her ID card. She had attended the meeting with those items.

However the judgement said: “It is this Tribunal’s judgment that the claimant came to the meeting on February 10, prepared to resign if she did not hear from Mr Martin that he had decided to sanction certain managers and members of the team at Mid.

“If he had decided to sanction certain managers/caseholders, that may have restored the claimant’s trust in the respondent.

“The claimant came prepared with her laptop, keys and ID card, ready to resign if the appeal outcome did not put right all the wrongs she had experienced in the past two years.

“It is our judgment that the claimant did not resign because she had found alternative employment. The claimant went to a temporary job which required her to travel and to stay in hotels away from her family.

“This was therefore not a better job than her job with the respondent. She did not resign because she had found new employment. As a householder with dependents, it was imperative that she take any employment offered and so it is our judgment that this was the reason why she started work quickly after she left the Respondent.

“It is our judgment that the final straw was not a final straw so as to terminate the Claimant’s employment.

“However, it is our judgment that there was a cumulative breach of the Claimant’s contract, which was not remedied by the grievance appeal process and outcome.”

The judgement concluded: “It is our judgment that the claimant’s decision to resign on February 10 was not in sole response to the decision on the grievance appeal or in relation to the redeployment but was in relation to it and all that had gone before.

“When the claimant arrived at that meeting, she no longer had any trust or confidence in the respondent. She did not believe in the jobs that Mr Secker told her about and did not trust in any arrangements that he promised to make for her to return to work.

“The job offers did not suffice to make her feel safe at work, which she reasonably believed was an ongoing risk to her mental health, should she return.

“It is our judgment that the claimant’s contract had been breached fundamentally by the respondent’s conduct.

“This was a cumulative breach which caused the claimant to decide to resign before she arrived at the meeting on 10 February 2020, unless the outcome met her expectations. She did not hear anything in the grievance appeal outcome to persuade her to stay and so she informed the respondent of her decision to resign.”

An Essex County Council spokesperson said: “We acknowledge the findings from the judgement. Essex County Council have previously apologised to Ms Griffiths, however the legal process is ongoing.”