A MAN has paid tribute to his partner’s bravery after her quick-thinking saved their children’s lives when a horror fire broke out.

Two teddy bears are all Mo Ali, 29, and Nazira Rahman, 27, have left after a fire at their house in Turner Road, Colchester.

The duo moved to Colchester from London in an effort to secure better schooling for their children, aged two and six months, when they grow up.

But their dreams went up in smoke when a faulty portable electric heater caught fire within seconds of being switched on last Wednesday morning.

Gazette: Smoke logged - inside the family's home in Turner RoadSmoke logged - inside the family's home in Turner Road (Image: ECFRS)

Colchester fire station manager Terry Maher has since praised the couple of ten years for escaping as quickly as they did.

“If we had stayed there for one minute longer I can’t begin to think what could have happened,” said Mr Ali, who was upstairs when the blaze erupted.

The 29-year-old said the flames were up to his chest within moments of him arriving downstairs, with the couple’s children sat on the sofa just inches from the fire.

He said: “Naz was so calm throughout the whole thing. Without her I don’t think we would have got out as quickly.

Gazette: Lucky escape - Mo, Nazira and their two children managed to escape the property in timeLucky escape - Mo, Nazira and their two children managed to escape the property in time (Image: ECFRS)

Gazette: Frontline - a firefighter works inside the propertyFrontline - a firefighter works inside the property (Image: ECFRS)

“She was prepared to do whatever it took. I will forever cherish how she reacted and got our two children out.”

A fundraiser has since been set up by Miss Rahman’s sister, Dena, to help the family rebuild their lives.

Mr Ali said the support he and his partner have received from their family, neighbours and strangers has been “amazing”.

He explained the windows were smashing from the pressure of the intense heat as they ran out from the property.

Gazette: Damaged - the houseDamaged - the house (Image: Newsquest)

“All our possessions, sentimental stuff, my daughter’s stuff, all of it went when the house burnt down,” added the father-of-two.

“The only things we could salvage were teddies with the heartbeats of our children.

“My partner grabbed these which I never would think of as a man. I am so grateful we haven’t lost these special memories.”

You can support the fundraiser via bit.ly/413Ct57.