BRAVE Colchester firefighters deployed to the Middle East following a series of devastating earthquakes heroically helped survivors people from the rubble.

Lexden-based Bryn Jones and Steve Smith, who are part of Essex Fire Service’s urban search and rescue team, were stationed in Turkey until last Wednesday.

The crew manager and watch manager were sent out to the crisis-hit country earlier this month after deadly tremors resulted in the destruction of civilian life.

The Colchester heroes, alongside group manager Scott Meekings, joined up with 77 other volunteer members of the International Search and Rescue crew.


In total their efforts resulted in the rescue of eight survivors and they were also able to pass information about three others onto local search teams.

On one occasion, the Lexden firefighters spent eight hours digging to find a desperate father who had become trapped inside his apartment.

They also helped free a police officer and resident stranded under a collapsed ten-storey hotel, working from early morning until 2am to assist in saving them.

Reflecting on his experience in Turkey Mr Jones said: “We took on a lot of emotion in that week, but we’ve been continuously offered support.

“Only the 77 of us know what we have been through so we will be connected for life. 

READ MORE: Three Essex firefighters deployed to Turkey to help with search and rescue operations

“At the end of the day we know deep down that we did everything we could to save as many lives as possible.” 

Mr Smith, who has also thanked his supportive family who nervously awaited his return back in Colchester, has said what he witnessed will live with him forever.

He added: “It was truly horrific. Nothing can prepare you for seeing mothers walking down the street carrying their deceased children in their arms.

“My heart absolutely breaks for them.”