A PAIR of guns, ammunition and a bloodied T-shirt were found by a police dog during a raid of a home in Abberton, a court heard.

Police officers seized the 9mm firearms and ammunition which were concealed inside an Ottoman at the foot of a bed in the property in Broom Way.

Also inside a wooden box which housed the weapons on February 25 2021 was 48 live bullets and an empty gun magazine, with a blood-stained red Adidas T-shirt nearby.

Mark Page, 54, and Christopher Cronin, 56, both face a trial at Ipswich Crown Court relating to firearms offences dating back to the raid.

Gazette: Raid - these two Browning pistols were found at the address in AbbertonRaid - these two Browning pistols were found at the address in Abberton (Image: NCA)

Gazette: Trial - Christopher CroninTrial - Christopher Cronin (Image: Essex Police)

Matthew Kirk, prosecuting, said Cronin’s DNA was found on the first pistol and Page’s was found on the second.

He revealed the Adidas t-shirt had “fluid” in its collar and left armpit which matched Cronin’s profile, as well as a blood stain on the left sleeve.

Read more from day one of the trial here: Men accused of gun charges 'exchanged flurry of phone calls' after police raid

The court heard both guns were in working order, with the first found to contain ten bullets including one its chamber.

Mr Kirk said both firearms had their hammer pulled back indicating they were “cocked” and their bullets were “unfired but live”.

Gazette: Stashed away - the guns were found in a wooden box hidden inside an OttomanStashed away - the guns were found in a wooden box hidden inside an Ottoman (Image: NCA)

The homeowner Kim Ames, 62, who argued she had no knowledge the box contained guns and bullets, was jailed for 18 months.

The prosecutor said Cronin’s excuse for having his DNA on the gun was because Ames had aimed it at his head during a visit to her house.

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Cronin claimed a struggle then ensued where he grabbed the gun before being told by Ames “it was just a toy”.

“Whilst at the property the accused [Cronin] also asked for a tissue to wipe his [bloodied] hand. He was given the red T-shirt as she did not have a tissue,” added Mr Kirk.

Gazette: Raid - the police executed a warrant in Broom Way, AbbertonRaid - the police executed a warrant in Broom Way, Abberton (Image: Google)

Cronin argued he was instructed by Page to visit the property to hand some cash to Ames.

Page, of Straight Road, Colchester, denies possessing a prohibited firearm and possessing ammunition without a certificate.

Cronin, of no fixed address, denies the same offences and a further two charges of possessing a prohibited firearm.

  • The trial continues

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