Want the antidote for teenage angst once and for all? Then prescribe your child with a furry best friend who makes all their troubles go away…


The 2019-2020 APPA National Pet Owners Survey suggests that 66% of Gen Zers identify stress relief from pets and 61% have reduced levels of anxiety and depression, more than any other generation.


As I’m sure all parents experience, kids go through their “I want a pet” phase, relentlessly begging resistant adults. Whether it be a ‘pros and cons’ list or extensive Googling, parents temporarily consider the idea. Let the list below of crucial reasons help to shape your decision. 


Dog’s loyalty, compassion and friendship with humans makes them the perfect support animal above all others. In recent years, schools have employed dogs to bring joy to those suffering from worsened mental health. After all it’s like they say: “A dog is man’s best friend”.


Research states that children who grow up with family dogs tend to have enhanced self-esteem and social skills. Or even just give teenagers a sense of purpose. As a teenage dog owner myself, it took years of nagging my parents until they finally gave into to getting a fluffy pooch in the depressive ‘Lockdown’ Covid-19 period. Now there’s nothing I look forward to more than coming home and being greeted with excitement, cuddles and unconditional love after a long day at school. 


First-hand experience 


Co-owner of ‘Auntie Erics’ doggy day-care service in Debden (Essex), Jody Erics, summarised how his experience nurturing dogs has brought “joy and love into our lives as they offer us non-judgemental, confidential support and companionship every day of our lives”. 


He also pointed out how “Our teenage sons have not only benefitted from the love and companionship our dogs have to offer but also from them joining us on walks as a family we have seen a positive change in their mental well-being”. 


To discover more about the delights of dog sitting, visit @auntieerics on Instagram for updates of the adorable mischief that her dogs get up to on the daily. 



The Instant Benefits of Dog Ownership


Reliable companionship 

Unlike friends and family, who have packed schedules and conflicting commitments, dogs always have time for you. They’re not following a strict to-do list with a small window to catch up with you. Dogs eat, sleep, breathe human attention and will be your most loyal companion no matter what. No arguments or inconveniences can impact this relationship- it’s all strictly love! There’s a worldwide increase in adolescent loneliness so petting and cuddling dogs can combat this. Even walking a dog around the block can lead to interactions with others in your local community, especially if they’re fellow dog owners. 


It’s statistically proven that dog owners spend nearly 300 minutes every week walking with their dogs- 200 more minutes walking than people without a pup of their own!



Dogs don’t judge

The school environment can yield toxicity and judgement for plenty of young people. Dogs are an escapism from this by providing an outlet for teens to share their opinions free of judgement. Dogs don’t hate, discriminate or hold grudges. They stay there to love you no matter how successful or not you are as a person. 


14 year-old dog-owner Jessica Freedman echoed this by relaying how “I can completely be myself around him (the dog) and I’m not scared of what I say or do like I am at school where I always overthink”. 


Preventing couch-potatoes

It’s proven that screen time for teens can average at up to 9 hour per day in some cases. Therefore, teenagers fit their archetypical depiction of being antisocial, fatigued, and uninterested in the wider world. 


Surely there’s an easy way to change that? Dog walking is the perfect solution. A quick 10-minute walk with some fresh air benefits you and the dog. The idea of getting up and out of a warm house into the mid-evening chill after a long day can be unappealing. However, it provides a distraction that forces teens to clear their head of any prior dramas of the day instead of lying on the sofa aimlessly. 


Physical Touch

Therapists have pointed out the benefit of physical touch. Humans gain relaxation when we touch or pet an animal, just like how we feel when hugging another person. 


At Washington State University, Scientists discovered that just 10 minutes petting a dog can have a significant impact. They cite that petting an animal reduces cortisol levels (the overwhelming stress on your brain and heart) but escalates oxytocin levels (the ‘love’ hormone). As I’ve often thought to myself, who needs a boyfriend when you have a dog! Whether it be an argument with their best friend, or their first heartbreak, pets’ loyalty and comfort are the best support any teen could hope for. 



Purchase your four-legged fluffball today 


The benefits of dog ownership on families are undeniable, for the adults involved as well as the children. So why don’t you make your child’s biggest dream come true? Next time they ask for a dog approach it with a new lens. Don’t focus on the huge efforts of walking, feeding and cleaning up after the dog; instead, consider how the long-lasting benefits inwardly and outwardly outweigh these mundane tasks.


For a visual representation, short film A Pet Sees You displays the mental health benefits of owning pets on Gen Z universally. Watch A Pet Sees You on YouTube or visit www.PetsAddLife.org for more information.