AN acclaimed period-instrument quartet are set to perform a programme of classical icons including Joseph Haydn, George Onslow and Mozart in Colchester.

The Consone Quartet will perform at The Old Library in West Stockwell Street this month and will begin with Haydn with the Fantasia quartet.

The piece is described as one of Haydn’s most innovative and experimental quartets, featuring ‘unusual structures and rich harmonies’

A spokesman for Wild Arts Opera, who represents the quarter, said: “The Consone Quartet's performance promises to bring out the many nuances and complexities of this captivating work.”

The programme’s second piece is Onslow’s quartet which is described as ‘intensely dramatic’, with an ‘innovative use of harmony and rhythm.’

The spokesman added: “In this case, The Consone Quartet's performance of this work is sure to be a powerful and moving experience, conveying the drama of Onslow's music.”

For its final performance, the Consone Quartet will perform Mozart’s Quartet, one of his final works and regarded among his greatest pieces.

The Consone Quartet is said to bring a deep knowledge of classical music combined with a passion for chamber music.

Its concert will take place on Thursday, April 27, for tickets visit