A CAFÉ which had its roof severely damaged by a fire last summer will be repaired and retiled built after plans were approved by Colchester Council.

Jenkins Café, in St John’s Street, was forced to close in May last year after a fire broke out, and extensive repairs have been planned since.

But the owners still required planning permission because the building is Grade II listed, meaning certain requirements have to be met to ensure the style of the building is in keeping with other buildings in the area.

On Monday, Colchester Council officially approved the plans – which were submitted in March – relating to the reconstruction of the roof.

The building was left damaged by smoke and smoke residue. 

Documents relating to the building offer further detail into the structure of what is described as “the historic cut pitched roof,” which will be partly reconstructed.

A paragraph from the design, access, and heritage statement read: “Our proposals are to partly reconstruct the roof, retaining as much of the unfire damaged historic structural roof members as possible, and restore the roof over both properties on a like-for-like basis.”

The applicant is given as Dean Mulley of Suffolk Life Annuities.

Legally, the repair works must be undertaken within three years.

The latest incident involving Jenkins Cafe’s roof comes after it was also destroyed back in March 2021 as a result of heavy winds.

Overnight gales had caused tens of thousands of pounds worth of damage and Essex Police even had to install a cordon around the premises to keep the public at a safe.

Similar to the most recent closure, Mr Kahraman had to shut the café so repairs could be made to the building’s roof, before reopening two months later.