A BOY who was lost on Southend beach was reunited with his family, thanks to the quick actions of Operation Union officers.

Just before noon on Sunday, June 11, Essex Police’s Force Control Room received a 999 call from the distressed parent of an 11-year-old boy, who was separated from the rest of the family.

As part of Operation Union proactive patrols, officers were in the immediate vicinity and launched into action.

PC James O’Connell headed straight to the parents, obtaining details of the child so that the information could be circulated to other Union officers.

He said: “Instead of enjoying their time on the beach, the boy’s parents found themselves in every parents' nightmare.

“The beach was really busy, and they couldn’t see where their son had disappeared to.

“This was a real emergency, and it was fortunate that we were already there.”

After establishing that the last sighting was on the beach area, to the rear of Adventure Island, PC Joshua Fairchild commenced a search.

Recognising the potential risks that may arise from, being so close to the water’s edge, officers requested the coastguard and RNLI to join their search, though they were not needed in the end.

OSG Superintendent Philip Stinger said: “I’m so proud of my officers’ actions and glad that they were able to find the boy just 35 minutes later and to be able to reunite him with his relieved and grateful parents.

“With the number of visitors to the Southend seafront, it would have been difficult to see a small boy on his own and that’s why they called us.

“I dread to think what could have happened if we hadn’t found him when we did, as we found him a mile out to sea on the mudflats. He just wanted to see the crabs!

“Thankfully he was unharmed and unaware of the drama unfolding to find him.”

Op Union officers will continue to proactively patrol Southend, ensuring everyone is safe.