PLANS to regenerate an area of Colchester and make it a better place to live and work are a step closer to becoming a reality.

Colchester Council has appointed an architect to design a new multi-use community hub in Greenstead.

The first phase of the Heart of Greenstead scheme will see the redevelopment of the area surrounding Greenstead Community Centre, Greenstead Library, and the Co-op, in Hawthorn Avenue.

It is hoped the new community hub, which is being funded by the £18.2 million awarded to Colchester from the Government’s Towns Fund last year, will be complete by March 2026.

Gazette: Redevelopment - Greenstead will benefit from the £18.2 million awarded to Colchester from the Government's Towns FundRedevelopment - Greenstead will benefit from the £18.2 million awarded to Colchester from the Government's Towns Fund

The development will create an improved community centre, a new GP surgery and pharmacy, an improved library, a pre-school, and a community café.

Further phases of the scheme will bring up to 139 high-quality affordable homes and improved walking and cycling routes to the area.

It is also hoped the Heart of Greenstead scheme will see the community’s residents take delivery of 700 free bicycles, to make cycling accessible for everyone while improving connectivity to the city centre.

Parts of the initiative are already underway – with ten Greenstead locals receiving free bikes last month as part of the Essex Pedal Power scheme.

Gazette: Initiative - ten Greenstead residents received free bikes in JuneInitiative - ten Greenstead residents received free bikes in June (Image: Colchester Council)

The council’s communities boss Natalie Sommers said she was pleased to see an “exciting and much-needed project” progress.

She added: “Through working hand-in-hand with the Greenstead community, we will ensure that we make improvements to this area of Colchester, making it a great place to live and work for many years to come.”

The local authority will now start working alongside Ipswich-based KLH Architects on designing the detail, and the initial designs will be shared with the community throughout the summer.

Engagement events are set to take place over the coming months where Greenstead residents and the wider public are encouraged to share their thoughts on the development plans.

There is an open drop-in session every Monday at Greenstead Community Centre where residents can pop in for a chat about the project.

Following the consultation period, the proposals will be submitted to Colchester Council’s planning department.