POVERTY continues to worsen in Colchester, and with 40 per cent more people turning to Colchester Foodbank in the last year, more people than ever are being forced to choose between buying a bus ticket or eating.

To support struggling job seekers through the cost-of-living crisis, the foodbank has launched a partnership with Colchester bus operator First Bus.

Brightlingsea Foodbank volunteer Win Pomroy highlighted the issue of people struggling with affordable transport after a foodbank client was unable to receive benefits for six months because he missed a job centre appointment, because he didn’t have the money to pay for travel to Colchester.

The kind-hearted bus company is now providing 150 day vouchers to Colchester Foodbank every month to make it easier for individuals to access the foodbank and reach employment opportunities.

Gazette: Training - foodbank volunteers were shown how to use the day vouchersTraining - foodbank volunteers were shown how to use the day vouchers (Image: Colchester Foodbank)

The foodbank’s senior community organiser Kim Moore said this new partnership is just one way the charity is helping to tackle poverty in the area.

She explained: “Foodbank clients are having to make harsh choices of what they go without because there isn’t enough money to afford life’s essentials.

“Heat or eat. School uniform or food. Bus fare or food.

“The choices are real and it’s not just about food poverty. It’s poverty.

“Foodbanks aren’t the answer. More needs to be done to end food poverty, so everyone can afford the essentials.”

This new initiative aims to ensure that individuals experiencing financial hardship do not miss life-changing opportunities due to limited access to transportation.

First Bus’s staff and performance manager Kai Wilson said the company is “happy to be supporting” the foodbank.

He added: “Many families are going through difficult times and where possible we are pleased to be able to alleviate some of these struggles.

“We are looking forward to this and any future support we can provide Colchester Foodbank to help end food poverty.”

The First Bus team completed a training session with foodbank volunteers on Wednesday, showing them how to use the travel vouchers and educating them on transport options.

They even treated the foodbank team to a well-earned ice cream as the two organisations continue to build a flourishing relationship.