A COLCHESTER charity which has helped transform lives for more than a decade is trying to raise thousands of pounds to celebrate a milestone anniversary.

Emmaus, which supports people who have experienced homelessness and social isolation, is proudly marking its 15th birthday this year by attempting to generate £15,000 in funding.

The campaign, which is called Fifteen for the Future, aims to help more people benefit from the services Emmaus provides.

They aim to reach this target by August 2024 and are apealing to individuals, local groups, and businesses to get behind the campaign by donating, fundraising, and raising awareness.

Brian Cook, the CEO of Emmaus Colchester said: “We’re so excited to begin celebrating our 15th anniversary and to acknowledge all the hard work our companions, staff, and volunteers have put in over the many years."

A large portion of this fundraising will go towards an on-site gym at the community house in Magdalen Street.

Excercise can have an incredibly positive effect on many people's mental health, so the organisation wants to offer this in a safe place for the community. 

Other services the fundraising can provide for include digitial learning facilities, which allow people to acquire news skills, or a minivan which makes it easier for them to go on wellbeing trips and get around quicker.  

Brian added: "We’re incredibly proud of where Emmaus Colchester is today and the way we have grown and developed to best support people who have experienced homelessness, and social isolation."

Since Colchester Emmaus' opening in 2008, it has helped more than 500 people transform their lives by providing housing and meaningful work opportunities.

The impactful organisation boasts two successful charity shops, which provide both jobs for its 'companions' and the funds to further support them and two places of residence for its companions. 

Brian said: "We truly hope in another fifteen years, our support isn’t needed, but we know that due to the current housing and cost of living crisis, this is unlikely.

"Any support of our charity and our Fifteen for the Future campaign is greatly appreciated, we couldn’t do what we do without our customers and supporters.”

To donate and learn more about the charity visit the emmaus.org.uk.