AN EX-COLCHESTER student organised and took part in a cycling challenge which has raised hundreds of pounds for a children's hospice charity.

Alex Speen, 20, a former Philip Morant pupil, organised the almost 900-mile round trip with the goal of raising £500 for East Anglia Children's Hospice (EACH).

The charity offers care and support for children and young people with life-threatening conditions and their families.

After volunteering at one of the charity's outlets, Alex found himself inspired by the workers and the cause of the charity, which motivated him to complete the cycling trail.

Gazette: Progress - Alex and Jan stood by the Cornish BorderProgress - Alex and Jan stood by the Cornish Border (Image: East Anglian Children's Hospice)

The former EACH-employee said: “I enjoyed volunteering in the shop and everyone was so friendly and welcoming, the staff and my fellow volunteers left a lasting impression on me.

“I also learnt about the cause we were supporting, and the extraordinary work of the charity, and that was one of the main reasons I wanted to do this fundraiser."

Pairing up with his friend, Jan Spalding, for extra support, the two boys were determined to complete the incredible journey for the deserving charity. 

Kicking off the expedition, the two keen cyclists left Lowestoft Ness, the most easterly point in mainland England, on June 15.

With plenty of overnight stops on the way, they cycled to Land's End in Cornwall, which welcomed them with typical English weather.

Gazette: Determined - Alex and Jan battling the elements through DartmoorDetermined - Alex and Jan battling the elements through Dartmoor (Image: East Anglian Children's Hospice)

Alex said: “I’d been particularly excited about cycling through Dartmoor, having got special memories from a family holiday on our way to Cornwall.

“On that occasion, I remember it being a beautiful day, a stunning expanse of land and seeing all the way to Plymouth.

“This time, it couldn’t have been more different, and we encountered our worse weather of the whole trip.

“It was like being in a wind tunnel and the driving rain stung our faces. We couldn’t help but smile and laugh because it was just so incredibly hostile.”

Gazette: Success - The determined duo cycled all the way to Land's EndSuccess - The determined duo cycled all the way to Land's End (Image: East Anglian Children's Hospice)

Alex admitted the cycling extravaganza was not without its trials.

He said: “I wouldn’t say we were ever in danger but there were one or two hairy moments, including one near Basingstoke when the road opened up and joined the M3. 

“Suddenly we found ourselves on a big intersection and that wasn’t much fun!"

As soon as they arrived at Land’s End, the boys began their return journey straight away, with only a few breaks. 

Gazette: Joy - Alex celebrating making it to Lowestoft Ness with his trusty bicycleJoy - Alex celebrating making it to Lowestoft Ness with his trusty bicycle (Image: East Anglian Children's Hospice)

After a whopping 17 days cycling, the duo came back to Colchester with an amazing 887 miles cycled and £650 raised for EACH.

Thankful for his sponsors and supporters, Alex said: “We’re both so grateful for the amount we raised.

“The support exceeded all expectations and the messages we received spurred us on and reminded us of the purpose of our journey.

“I’m so glad we did it and the whole experience was a lot of fun.

“Beforehand, I didn’t know if we could do it so the fact we did, and enjoyed ourselves along the way, is a great feeling."

For more information on the charity go to: