LAST orders are due to be called at a pub which is set to close to make way for a six-figure refurbishment.

The Dog and Pheasant was given the green light to revamp the “tired-looking” boozer last month, and pub bosses have now confirmed when work will commence.

The pub, in Nayland Road, Mile End, Colchester, will close on Monday until Saturday, December 9 sporting a new guise.

Currently a Hungry Horse pub, the refit will see the Dog and Pheasant rebranded as a Greene King venue.

Gazette: Before - how the Dog and Pheasant looks nowBefore - how the Dog and Pheasant looks now (Image: Newsquest)


It will receive a brand-new menu alongside a new look and feel throughout while also creating several job opportunities in Mile End.

Greene King has now sought permission from Colchester Council to install its new signage, with planning documents revealing the outside of the pub will sport a new grey and magnolia colour scheme.

A spokesman for the pub giant said the team is “so excited” for the work to be completed ahead of Christmas.

“The revamp will bring a revived atmosphere to the pub, and we’re confident that with our improved facilities we’ll be proud to offer our guests an even better drinking, dining and social experience,” he said.

Gazette: After - what the Dog and Pheasant should look like after its refurbAfter - what the Dog and Pheasant should look like after its refurb (Image: Greene King)

Mile End resident Ben Potter said he thinks the redesigned pub will be a “welcome addition to the community”.

“It’s great it won’t be closed for too long,” he told the Gazette.

“I’ve been to the pub several times since moving to the area and agree it is definitely in need of some love. Hopefully it will be a nice place to visit with my young daughter.”

Ahead of the relaunch, the pub is running a competition on its Facebook page to find Colchester’s “local hero”, who will have the privilege of cutting the ribbon on the grand opening night.

The costly refurbishment comes after a petition set up by a frustrated resident seeking a better pub for the area garnered more than 900 signatures.

The Dog and Pheasant’s final few days of trading before the temporary closure will it hold a Halloween themed karaoke and disco evening on Saturday to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support.