A MICRO energy storage facility is set to be built in Colchester after plans were given the green light by council bosses.

Colchester Council has approved proposals for the building and operation of a new development at Electricity Sub Station, in Stephenson Road, Colchester.

The work, which  must begin no later than three years after when approval was given the go-ahead by the council, will see the construction of a 200kw energy storage system known as a Battery Box.

A Battery Box imports electricity from the local electricity network when demand for electricity is low, or when there are high levels of renewable energy available.

From there, it exports that electricity back to the grid when required in periods of high demand.

The applicant had outlined their hope this would help address concerns regarding grid reliability and provide a solution to "the growing need for flexibility".

Stored electricity from the Battery Box will be exported and consumed in the locality of the box when it is required.

The chosen site was selected for several reasons, including its proximity to the local grid network, available development land and suitable, flat land.

It was outlined the proposed development would incorporate installation of a concrete plinth foundation, installation of the battery containerised units and associated equipment.

The construction of a new fence surrounding the Battery Box was also proposed.

In addition, the planning statement projected construction of the site would take approximately two weeks while the electrical equipment is manufactured off site and is lifted into position on the concrete plinth before the electrical connection is complete. 

Before the application was approved, a spokesman from the Environmental Protection team stated conditions to be fulfilled if the plans went ahead.

They said: “Prior to the first use or occupation of the development as hereby permitted, a competent person shall have ensured that the rating level of noise emitted from the site’s plant, equipment and machinery shall not exceed 0dB(A) above the background levels determined at all facades of noise-sensitive premises, including commercial premises.”

They added confirmation of the assessment’s findings shall have been submitted to, and agreed in writing by, the Local Planning Authority and shall be adhered to thereafter.