Billericay Does Not Forget!

Despite the drizzling rain, on Sunday 12th November, the local community of Billericay did not forget. Hundreds gathered, both old and young, to respectfully remember those who have fallen and those who have made sacrifices in conflicts around the world. This all took place at the Billericay war memorial in the High Street. Names of many who have made the ultimate sacrifice were read out, heartbreakingly many of these were only in their twenties. A lone trumpeter played The Last Post before two minutes of silence was respectfully observed at the eleventh hour, for it was on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month that a ceasefire was agreed to end the fighting on the Western Front in World War 1.

Reverend Paul Carr led the act of remembrance. MP John Baron attended along with members of the army reserves, the Royal British Legion, the chairman of Billericay town council, members of the armed forces and associated organizations, uniformed groups, churches, schools, and many community groups as well as guests from Ukraine. Young cadets, the boys and girls brigade, guides, scouts and brownies stood unflinching in the miserable damp and wet weather for over an hour as wreaths were laid, prayers were said and hymns were sung. 

Louise Campbell told me that she was there for the first time because her son was there representing Billericay Scouts. “It made me feel proud,” she told me. Another member of the public, Angie, told me that her son was representing the air cadets. This was not the first time she had attended this event as she felt it was an important service to attend. One of the air cadets, Sam, told me that he has been in the cadets for just over a year. He had to prepare for the march by making sure his uniform was in check and drinking lots of fluids beforehand. This was Sam's first time in the parade and he stated he was very nervous but was very proud to be a part of it. Sam found it hard due to the cold weather but coped brilliantly.

This really was a community event. The Chequers pub offered a warm place for people to rest, with no purchases necessary and many shop windows had displays to recognize this solemn act of remembrance.

 Lest we forget!  Billericay certainly did not.