A YOUNG woman was left “crying from shock” and is now too scared to go out after an abusive man spat in her face while she waited for a bus in Colchester.

West Wright, 24, of Colchester, was sitting at the Boudica Way South bus stop at about 8.50am last Friday when she noticed a man beginning to approach her.

Despite scrolling through her phone and minding her own business, West suddenly found herself at the centre of vile and unprovoked attack.

After murmuring to himself the intimidating man invaded her personal space before spitting in her face, leaving West frightened and in a state of shock.

Gazette: Upset - West Wright, 24, of Colchester, has been left shaken-up by the assaultUpset - West Wright, 24, of Colchester, has been left shaken-up by the assault (Image: Public)
West, an early childhood studies graduate, said: “He said to himself ‘I am going to spit at this girl now’ and then got really close to my face and spat at me.

“His spit went onto my cheek. I was horrified and very shaken up. It all happened so quickly but I went to this women for help and this other group of girls came over.

“He was still close enough for me to be scared and at this stage I was crying from the shock of it all – I could barely put together what had happened.

Gazette: Scene - the Boudica Way South bus stop, in ColchesterScene - the Boudica Way South bus stop, in Colchester (Image: Google Maps)
“The three women stayed with me so I could get home as quickly as possible but then the man started having a go at one of them. I am so glad they were there.”

After calling her mum, West thankfully managed to safely make it home before immediately reporting the incident to the police.

She has now been left feeling terrified to leave the house through fear she comes into contact with the same man again.

“It has impacted me massively,” West added.

Gazette: Bright - West Wright, 24, is an early childhood studies graduateBright - West Wright, 24, is an early childhood studies graduate (Image: Public)
“I am always a bit apprehensive to go out at night-time because of what might happen but now I’m also anxious to go out during the day.

“I wouldn’t want anyone else to go through that. It was disgusting behaviour and the man was intimidating and scary."

Essex Police has been contacted for comment.