A YOUNG rapper is making a name for himself after performing at a popular festival and releasing his self-mixed debut album... all at that age of sixteen.

Felix Cochez, of Colchester, is a student at Colchester Institute studying Music Technology and he’s also a rapper known by the moniker, Felc.

Earlier this year, after winning a rap competition at Latitude Festival, Felix got to perform before an audience at the event.

And this summer, two days after he received his GCSE results, the songwriter released his debut album, Cosmos & Melodies, which has now garnered more than 5,700 plays in total.

Gazette: Focused - Felix is dedicated to becoming the best artist he can be, he's also very inspired by artists like Travis ScottFocused - Felix is dedicated to becoming the best artist he can be, he's also very inspired by artists like Travis Scott (Image: Public)

The rapper commented on how he ended up recording his own album and performing at Latitude Festival.

He said: “When I was studying at St Benedict’s last year, they offered me a course called noise solution, ran by Matt Haines and AJ Jones at Black Cactus Studio.

“The course taught me how to mix and master, and how to develop as a musician.

“When you mix and master a project yourself, you don’t have to rely on a studio and don’t have to pay for the studio time.

"With Latitude, there was this rap workshop, you write a rap and the winning rap got to perform.

“I was quite happy with the win because it builds a lot of confidence as people see you do your thing, and I was able to see them appreciate it.

“It can be quite nerve wracking showcasing what you love doing.”

Gazette: Live music - Felix has performed at different venues across Colchester such as Roots and Grooves CafeLive music - Felix has performed at different venues across Colchester such as Roots and Grooves Cafe (Image: Public)

Since the age of 11, Felix, who has autism and ADHD, has always had a passion for music and grew up loving artists like Snoop Dog and Eminem.

At the age of 13, he started recording music on his phone with beats he received from a producer called Dr Glizzy.

Three years later, Felix is putting out music that traverses genres like Hip-Hop, R&B, and psychedelic Rap.

Felix also got to meet popular rapper and his idol Stomzy last year at a Meet and Greet session.

“Stormzy has been someone I’ve idolised since primary school," he said. 

Gazette: Hero - Felix with one of his favourite musical artists, StormzyHero - Felix with one of his favourite musical artists, Stormzy (Image: Public)

“I told him I’m a sixteen-year-old rapper with autism and his music has inspired me, he then said something along the lines of ‘keep doing what you can do and you will get there’”

Having autism has “positively and negatively” affected his music making and Felix believes that because of his autism some people may not see him as a serious artist.

However, he loves his passion so much that he is dedicated to putting out the best music he can and to continue honing his skills.

Now, the artist dreams of representing Colchester and to one day perform at Wembley Arena in London.

He also hopes the rap community in Colchester is recognised by more organisers and other musicians as well.

Moving forward, Felix is committed to pursuing his dream and wants to help inspire other young artists.

He said: “I wanted to share this story to inspire other young musicians around my age as it’s a very hard passion to follow.

"There will be people that will try and bring you down and make you feel horrible about your music, alongside being rejected by venues and other musicians.

"But no matter what, you should keep trying, as you will get the outcome you want as long as you try."