THOUSANDS of residents completed a survey on whether to keep a booking system for Essex recycling centres.

The consultation on whether to retain a booking process at all Essex County Council recycling centres is now closed.

A decision is set to be made early next year and until then, residents must continue to book a slot to visit recycling centres.

Sunday marked the end of the consultation on whether to keep the booking process at recycling centres permanently.

More than 18,000 people completed the consultation survey to have their say on proposals and to provide feedback and suggestions.

A summary report of the consultation feedback will be published alongside a final evaluation as part of any future decision regarding recycling centre bookings. Responses are being independently reviewed.

The consultation feedback will be used alongside other supporting evidence to inform a future decision on whether to keep a booking process for recycling centres in Essex.

Peter Schwier, Essex County Council’s cabinet member for climate, environment, waste reduction and recycling said: “Thank you to everyone who took part in the consultation. We received a huge amount of responses which highlights the valuable role of recycling centres in our waste and recycling services.”

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