AN Ardleigh woman who is an international bestselling author, inspirational speaker, and empowerment and relationship coach has now also become a multi-award winner.

Gina Gardiner, 70, is a multifaceted professional who helps bring out the best in business leaders and anyone needing help through her firm Gina Gardiner Associates, and Genuinely You.

In the last month, she has taken home five separate awards which all celebrate the work she has done over the years.

On November 2, she was presented with the Book of Honour Award 2023 by Baroness Sandip Verma at the House Of Lords, in London.

Gazette: Good job - Gina has taken home five separate awards this monthGood job - Gina has taken home five separate awards this month (Image: Gina Gardiner)

Gazette: Success - A big win for GinaSuccess - A big win for Gina (Image: Gina Gardiner)

She then picked up the Woman Of Heart Award: Lifetime Achievement For Leadership Excellence, the prize for Most Engaging Leadership Transformation Consultancy CEO UK, and the Holistic Leadership Consultancy CEO of the Year for East England accolade.

She said: “It’s just brilliant to be recognised, I am passionate about the work I do and supporting people into becoming empowered.

“To have it recognised is just lovely.”

Gina has become a well-regarded development leader and coach over the last 30 years thanks to her overcoming her own battles.

Gazette: Work ethic - Gina is also a bestselling author and has written dozens of booksWork ethic - Gina is also a bestselling author and has written dozens of books (Image: Gina Gardiner)

At the age of 29-years-old, she became the head teacher of a school in 1984 and was determined to help both staff and its pupils thrive.

Whilst working 15 to 16 hour days a few years into her role as principal, she would battle her own challenges, such as becoming a wheelchair user due to her mobility deteriorating after a previous skiing accident.

In 1996 she then became wheelchair-bound after receiving failed back surgery syndrome following on from a ruptured disc.

In 2004, she had an internal spinal stimulator fitted, which now means she has better mobility than before, and made the big leap to leave the education industry.

Since then, she has released the bestselling book Thriving Not Surviving: The Five Secrets To Happiness, Success And Fulfilment, set up the two businesses and helped countless people.

Gazette: Courageous - The individual has faced her own battles and enjoys seeing others thriveCourageous - The individual has faced her own battles and enjoys seeing others thrive (Image: Gina Gardiner)Gazette: Passionate - Gina is dedicated to bringing out the best in peoplePassionate - Gina is dedicated to bringing out the best in people (Image: Gina Gardiner)

Through Genuinely You she runs self-development programmes, releases helpful books, spearheads leadership mastermind groups, and also provides one-to-one sessions.

She has ambitious goals for the future and loves what she does.

She said: “My mission is to positively impact upon on a million leaders within the next three years.

"I’m absolutely passionate about helping people recognise their own worth and giving them the tools so they can be the best version of themselves.

“It’s about helping people feel empowered, have great self-confidence, and develop skills to reach their potential.

“I’ve always loved what I’ve done and feel it has been a huge privilege to watch people grow and develop.”

Gina has a syndicated radio show through Brushwood Media Network called Gina Gardiner and Friends, which airs live at 8am from Monday to Friday.