On Wednesday the 22nd of November I was absolutely disgusted to witness racist language being used on public transport by two members of the public. When I tried to stand up and discourage this appalling behaviour I was called names and labelled “uncool” and “annoying” as I was apparently ruining their “fun.” 


Racism is an extremely serious issue that still exists in our society today and it is absolutely horrific to think that racist language is acceptable and labelled as “fun” in modern life today. This is unacceptable and as a community we need to stand up to this behaviour and abolish this extremely offensive language and terms. If we work together we can make a positive change.


 This inequality is still continuing even after Martin Luther King who was a Christian pacifist held peaceful campaigns and speeches which include his famous I have a dream speech. Rosa Parks was also a heroine and fought courageously to provide social justice and to eradicate racism on public transport too. 


However, it seems that there is still racism being used in society today despite the efforts of these role models. Another witness named Layla Pickering said “I was upset about the way they were acting” and tried to stand up to this as well. People are very offended by this language and get very hurt by this. 


Even an adult said to draw a line under this behaviour which shocked me. It is never alright to judge anyone based on their physical appearance. How long will this continue for? This needs to change and if we work together we can rid the world of social injustice permanently. Everyone has the right to be treated equally.