Halloween is over in comes Christmas, as Colchester begins setting up lights and opening Christmas stores, we ask the question when is it too early to start the Christmas celebrations? Phoebe Jones searches for the answer to this long overdue question. 

10 people were asked if November is in fact too early to start celebrating Christmas. The results came back surprisingly with a draw, 5 saying it is definitely too early and 5 disagreeing completely. So, the question remains: is it too early for Christmas? 

The popular belief that Christmas only officially starts on December 1st  is clearly ,as some might have thought, not the belief of us all. Colchester Town seems to disregard this widespread view and believe that the time for Christmas is now, as lights have been seen appearing throughout the streets since the beginning of November.  

Many shops have also begun the Christmas celebrations releasing Christmas collections, hanging up decorations and turning on the Christmas music. However, many have criticised this saying that it is “too soon for Christmas” and that it “takes away from the magic of Christmas in December”. 

With all of this in mind it is now up to you to decide when you will be starting the Christmas celebrations this year?