A BOXER is helping to give families in need the best Christmas possible after free boxing sessions were a resounding success. 

Lewis Richardson, a 26-year-old boxer and European and Commonwealth Games medallist, hosted two free masterclass sessions to help The Salvation Army’s Christmas appeal.

The star welcomed more than 40 people to the two-hour long sessions where people were asked for donations or Christmas presents for children aged ten to 16.

Lewis, who won a silver medal at last year’s Europeans Championships, said: “Although I come from a low socioeconomic background, I never went without presents at Christmas.

“With that in mind, the thought of children not having gifts at Christmas made supporting The Salvation Army even more motivating to do.”

Each session consisted of a “boxing-themed” warm-up, shadow boxing drills, bag work and a circuit to finish.

Gazette: Fun - Lewis Richardson (centre), James Webb (third from the right) and participants enjoy the masterclassFun - Lewis Richardson (centre), James Webb (third from the right) and participants enjoy the masterclass (Image: Lewis Richardson)

Parents were asked to donate £10 or a Christmas gift for children aged ten to 16, with all proceeds going to charity.

Lewis said the aim was “everyone leaving with a smile on their face” and joked the aim was also for all to be “sweating of course.”

Lewis said how amazing it was to see so many people join, “from eight to 65 years”, and in particular, praised parents at the sessions for getting directly involved alongside their children - which is not very typical in sport or boxing.

Lewis added: “Everyone can get involved.

“That’s the power of boxing - it can bring everyone together, working hard and having fun”.

Gazette: Boxing - Lewis Richardson looks at the participants learning how to improve their boxing technique Boxing - Lewis Richardson looks at the participants learning how to improve their boxing technique (Image: The Salvation Army)

With more than £500, as well as a “handful of presents", Lewis went out to purchase “around 150 gifts" which were then dropped off at The Combat Institute, where head coach James Webb also offered his own masterclass.

Majors Filipa and Luis Viriato lead The Salvation Army in Colchester, and revealed they were “thrilled” with Lewis’ donation.

Majors Filipa said: “We would like to thank Lewis for his amazing contribution towards The Salvation Army Christmas appeal. We really appreciate his initiative and look forward for other possibilities like these in the future."