FED-UP plant nursery workers took matters into their own hands by filling in a pothole which had been left untreated for an entire year with flowers.

Staff at the Rainbow Nursery had grown frustrated with a particular pothole outside their place of work in Thorpe Road.

Despite persistent complaints, they say council bosses have neglected the crater for as long as a year, failing to arrange for it to be fixed.

The nursery workers have now placed plants from their own shelves inside the pothole as a last resort in the hope doing so will grab the council's attention.

Owner Phillip Norris said: “They have been there for over a year and getting progressively worse and there is a very large one on the entrance to the nursery. 


“Several neighbours have contacted the authorities to have them filled, but nothing’s happened yet, apart from various people coming up and spraying lines around them.” 

The potholes are said to have caused endless issues for motorists and delivery drivers travelling in Thorpe Road. 

“We just wanted to have a bit of a joke and bring it to the authorities’ attention and hopefully, something might be done," added Mr Norris. 

“It was our last resort just to get some attention.” 

Gazette: Pothole - The Rainbow Nursery in Weely has filled a pothole in frustration of it not being filled

Bosses at Essex Highways have now responded.

A spokesman said: “In order to maximise our resources, we have to fix the most urgent issues first, however all defects reported to us are assessed by an inspector. 

“We therefore encourage members of the public to report any defects or issues they find through our online Tell Us tool at essexhighways.org/tell-us.

“Information about our repair criteria and maintenance strategy can also be found at essexhighways.org/how-we-prioritise-highway-issues.”