TWO teenagers who fist-bumped one another after knocking their victim unconscious in a brutal city centre attack have had their sentencing adjourned after they turned up without legal representation.

Will Sherlock and Rio King, aged 19 and 20, appeared in Ipswich Crown Court on Thursday where they were due to be sentenced for affray.

The charges relate to an incident which took place in Headgate, Colchester, on February 5 of last year when Sherlock, of Fairhead Road South, and King, of Compton Road, were involved in a fight with a third male at about 3.28am.

CCTV cameras showed the beginning of a fight, with Sherlock and King punching and kicking their victim.

Gazette: Confusion – Judge Pugh appeared puzzled when King and Sherlock turned up without legal representationConfusion – Judge Pugh appeared puzzled when King and Sherlock turned up without legal representation (Image: Newsquest)

A summary of the key evidence read: “The level of aggression and violence shown in the footage is very high and shocking.

“The frequency of the punches and kicks are also excessive and the only reason for the amount thrown are to cause serious injuries to the person on the receiving end.”

The evidence continued: “The defendants both throw a number of the punches and kicks – the majority of these are making contact with the unknown male’s head.

“King and the unknown male fall to the floor during the fight. Then, in the footage, Sherlock kicks the unknown male to the head and the male’s body goes limp due to the level of force used and appears to go completely unconscious.”

Leaving their victim on the floor, the two fist-bumped each other as they walked away from the scene.

The two admitted one charge each of affray at Chelmsford Magistrates’ Court in October, and the two had been due to be sentenced in Ipswich Crown Court yesterday.

There was confusion, however, when the two turned up to court without legal aid.

Gazette: Adjourned – King and Sherlock will be sentenced on Thursday, February 22Adjourned – King and Sherlock will be sentenced on Thursday, February 22 (Image: Pexels)

Judge Pugh said: “You are highly likely to be going immediately into custody – I don’t quite understand why you haven’t got representation.

“If we carry on with the sentencing now, you are likely to be going straight to prison.

“I should give you an opportunity to be represented if you haven’t served a sentence before – it’s entirely up to you.”

After the two defendants indicated they wanted legal aid, their sentencing was adjourned until Thursday, February 22.