A CONVICTED dealer who initially avoided a prison term after operating in the "vile and seedy world of Class A drugs" has been jailed after coming up with “excuse after excuse” to avoid unpaid work.

Stuart Edwards, of Howe Close, Colchester, was convicted of drug offences in July 2022, but was handed a suspended jail sentence which required him to undertake unpaid work and rehabilitation activity requirements.

The court heard how Edwards had refused to attend unpaid work because he was receiving threats from other people, and feared his home would be at risk if they knew when he was attending appointments.

Gazette: Unimpressed – Judge Emma Peters said Edwards came up with 'excuse after excuse after excuse' for failing to turn up for unpaid workUnimpressed – Judge Emma Peters said Edwards came up with 'excuse after excuse after excuse' for failing to turn up for unpaid work (Image: Newsquest)

But Edwards, 36, failed to share that information with probation, and Judge Emma Peters said she was unconvinced Edwards genuinely feared those threats when he was failing to attend unpaid work appointments.

Judge Peters also took a dim view of evidence submitted by Edwards’s housemate – evidence which she said “did not sit well” with the explanation the defendant provided about his failure to comply with his various requirements.

The defendant’s past involvement in drug dealing, Judge Peters added, was Edwards’s own fault.

She said: “Anyone who involves themselves in the vile and seedy world of Class A drug dealing will subject themselves to situations where people will cause then anxiety and distress.

“When I came to ask the question as to the threats, I fully accept on the evidence I have heard he may be subject of threats from unpleasant people given his interactions with the drug dealing world in the past.

“The question is whether they were the reasons for the breaches committed – I am satisfied they are not good reasons.

“There’s no credible evidence they were operative on his mind when he failed to attend unpaid work.”

Gazette: Refusal – the court heard how Edwards refused to carry out unpaid workRefusal – the court heard how Edwards refused to carry out unpaid work (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

On Friday, January 28, Judge Peters sentenced Edwards to 18 months in prison for beaching his suspended sentence, though he will be released after serving half that time.

She continued: “I have found you guilty of breaching this suspended sentence.

"You were given a real opportunity to avoid going to prison.

“You have shown nothing but contempt for this order and no willingness to comply.

“You have excuse after excuse and you are a man who comes before this court and that comes with a consequence.”