FRUSTRATED residents who have been subjected to loud roadworks at night may now be able to get to sleep after council bosses demanded works come to end earlier in the evening.

A new rapid transit system which will connect Colchester’s Park and Ride station to Essex University has seen major works carried out in Northern Approach, Colchester.

Since getting underway, they have caused significant disruption to motorists, with lanes closed on the route since the end of last year whilst the new lane is laid out.

Homeowners have also complained the works have damaged their houses due to the high vibration levels caused by machinery.

Gazette: Busy – the roadworks have contributed to slower journey times, but motorists are not the only people who have been affected by the projectyBusy – the roadworks have contributed to slower journey times, but motorists are not the only people who have been affected by the projecty (Image: Essex Highways)


Problems have since been compounded further by the hours during which the works are carried out, with residents saying they can’t sleep because machinery is being operated by workers as late as 10pm.

Colchester Council has since been in contact with Essex County Council to address the issue and has requested that "nighttime working ceases with immediate effect".

A council spokesman said: “Recognising the significant noise concerns raised by residents regarding the night-time construction works on Northern Approach Road, we have contacted Essex County Council and their contractors to address these issues.


“We are committed to working collaboratively with all parties involved to find a solution that prioritises the well-being of residents while ensuring the timely completion of the transport improvement works.

Gazette: Action – Essex County Council has asked contractors John Sisk and Son to minimise the disruption the works are causing residentsAction – Essex County Council has asked contractors John Sisk and Son to minimise the disruption the works are causing residents (Image: Essex Highways)

“We appreciate the understanding and patience of residents impacted by these works and remain committed to finding a swift and effective resolution.”

Bosses at Essex County Council have since been in touch with contractors John Sisk and Son asking them to keep disruption to a minimum.

A spokesman said: “We are aware of the concerns raised with Colchester Council over the ongoing night works.

“Permission is in place for the contractor to undertake these works, which are localised and moving along Northern Approach in sections. 

“We have stressed to the contractor the importance of minimising disruption for local residents and are working closely with Colchester Council to monitor the situation.”